The mechanisms of air pollution-induced health effects involve oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.
How important is adequate hydration necessary
for our normal bodily functions?
Extremely important.
Free radicals are oxygen-containing molecules with an uneven number of electrons. Free radicals roam around and try to steal electrons from a healthy cell.
This causes oxidative stress on our bodies. Examples of oxidation in nature include: a nail rusting, an apple turning brown, a plant decomposing, and even our skin wrinkling as we age.
What else causes oxidation?
The mechanisms of air pollution-induced health effects involve oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.
Check your personal care and cleaning products for toxic ingredients and replace them with non-toxic alternatives.
Disturbance of the total antioxidant capability are mechanisms of toxicity in most pesticides and herbicides
Cigarettes play a role in increasing the level of oxidative damage and reducing the antioxidant defence.